
Antonio Arnau Vives

Telf: 607305073 ext: 79601
Ficha UPV
Antonio Arnau was born in Valencia, Spain, in November 1964. He received the Engineering and Ph.D. degrees from Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain, in 1990 and 1999, respectively. From 1990 he has been a member of the research and teaching staff at Electronic Engineering Department of Polytechnic University of Valencia. He has been vice-dean of International Relations at Telecommunication Faculty for 9 years (1999-2008). Since 1990 he has been working on the design of electronics and communication electronics circuits and acoustic wave sensors. His current research interests include piezoelectric transducers and applications, being the co-ordinator of the PETRA (PiezoElectric TRansducers and Applications) European network. He has participated over 24 national and international research and transfer technology projects, being the main researcher in more than 10. He is author of more than 50 international papers and books, he has 5 patents and has taught classes and seminars in over 25 foreign institutions. He has created two spin-off companies: AWSensors (Advanced Wave Sensors) focused on acoustic sensors and its applications to biotechnology and AWSensors Diagnostics, focused on Point of Care, Point of Diagnostics and Mobile Health Applications market.

Román Fernández Díaz

Tel: 963877000 ext. 76072
UPV link
Dr. Román Fernández (M) is a telecommunications engineer with a PhD in electronic engineering (2009). Currently, he is a university lecturer in the Universitat Politécnica de València (UPV). He is specialized in the development and use of acoustic wave microsensors in two major areas: bioanalytical sciences and integrated sensing platforms (lab-on-chip). Its scientific and technical capabilities include numerical modeling using the finite element method, data science, electronic instrumentation and microfluidics.
During his research career, he has made relevant contributions to the field of biosensors. Specifically, he has actively participated in the development of the High Fundamental Frequency Quartz Crystal Microbalance Array (HFF-QCM Array) technology that has shown a great potential in high impact detection applications such as liquid biopsy for the early detection of colorectal, breast and lung cancer or the detection of antibiotics and pesticides in food. The results of his work have been disseminated through the co-authorship of 12 publications in peer-reviewed journals (all of them are indexed in Q1/Q2 of the Journal Citation Report) and more than ten communications to national and international conferences. He has been involved in 15 national and European research projects in competitive public calls. He has coordinated as Principal Investigator (PI) or coordinating partner 3 of them. In addition, he has participated in 5 research contracts signed between the UPV and private companies, being the principal investigator in two of them. He also has research experience in the industrial sector. He led the Research and Innovation department at the technological-based company Advanced Wave Sensors S.L (AWSensors) for 8 years. During this stage, he co-authored 4 patents, two of which are currently being exploited. Regarding the training of young researchers, he has supervised 7 undergraduate and master's degree students and one doctoral thesis.

José María Ferrero de Loma-Osorio

Telf: 963877007 Ext: 67037
Ficha UPV
I am Full Professor in the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) since 2003.

I finished my graduate studies in Industrial Engineering in 1990 with the maximum grade (sobresaliente). My PhD thesis was related to the computational modelling of the electrical behaviour of the heart and was carried out in the UPV and also in the Johns Hopkins University (USA), were I served as a research trainee in 1995. I defended my PhD in Valencia in 1995 and obtained the maximum grade.

I was then co-founder of the “Cardiac Modelling Group” in the UPV in 1996.
Since then, I have been supervisor of 10 PhD thesis, published more tan 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals (JSR/SCI), 4 research chapters in international books and more than 180 papers in international conferences, I have participated in 17 research projects funded by regional, national and international institutions (and have been PI in 6 of them).

My scientific international activities began with the aforementioned stay in the JHU (USA) and has broadened with more stays in european universities. I have established scientific and teaching collaborations with different foreign universities in Europe, North America and Latin America. In 2006, I was Chairman of the XXXIII Computers in Cardiology International Conference. I am a scientific reviewer in several international journals and have formed part of the Scientific Committee in different conferences.

Together with my research activities, I teach different courses on Bioelectricity and Electronics in the UPV. I have also been invited teacher in the Universidad de Zaragoza and the Universidad de Oviedo, in Spain; in the Politécnico di Milano, Italy; in the Universidad de Caldas, in Colombia; and in the Tecnológico de Morelia, in México, where I have taught courses and seminars in master and PhD degrees.

I have been awarded with different distinctions and Prizes both in the research and teaching ambits. In 2017, I was awarded with the “Excellent Teacher Prize” among other 400 professors in the UPV.

Fco. Javier Garcia Casado

Telf: 963877007
Ext: 76027/67041
Ficha UPVTelf: 963877007
Ext: 76027/67041
Data sheet UPV
Industrial Engineer (2001) and Dr. in Electronic Technology (2005) by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). Currently, he is a Full Professor of the University in Electronic Engineering Dept. and member of the Center for Research and Innovation in Bioengineering (CI2B), UPV.

He teaches in different degrees associated with the branch of Industrial Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, focused on the areas of sensors and electronic instrumentation, signal processing and communication networks.

His research activity focuses on the development of non-invasive systems and sensors for the registration of biomedical signals, signal processing techniques for their characterization, and the development of expert classification systems and aid in diagnosis and decision-making. These systems and tools have been mainly used in the areas of obstetrics, cardiology, gastrointestinal and recently electroencephalography; collaborating with various hospitals and national and international research groups.

He has participated in more than 20 public financing projects, being a principal investigator in many. The result of these works has led to more than 45 articles in the JCR international jorunals, more than 80 papers in congresses, 6 doctoral theses supervised and 5 research awards.
The knowledge obtained and generated in the field of research also involves the transfer of technology in various products that are currently commercially exploited, having participated in >10 R & D + i contracts with national and international companies. He is the author of a national and an international patent.

Invited to several papers, courses, and publications in special editions in the area of uterine myoelectric monitoring. He is a reviewer of research projects, of more than 15 international journals, and national and international congresses. He has also been a member of the IEEE-EMBS Technical Committee "Wearable Biomedical Sensors & Systems".

Enrique Guijarro Estellés

Telf: 963977007
Ext: 76065
Ficha UPV
Enrique Guijarro (1960) (Industrial Engineer -speciality electricity-) is professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering of the UPV, specialist in Electronic Instrumentation, particularly in the area of biomedical instrumentation.
His research is focused on neuroengineering, especially in the research and improvement of register, analysis and brain stimulation methods.

In the field of animal experimentation, he has worked on the classification of activity states during seizures of induced epileptic activity, in order to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic methods.

In the case of Parkinson's disease surgery, the work focused on region recognition through the analysis of deep-electrode signal characteristics and the determination of the optimal stimulation configuration to reach an effective volume of tissue activated (VTA) in the target region.

His research interests are directed towards the study and improvement of brain stimulation applicable to treatments for behavioral disorders.

Julio Gomis-Tena Dolz

Telf: 963877000
Ext: 76022
Data sheet UPV
Industrial Engineer (1993) by the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV) and Ph. Doctor by the UPV (2003). He is currently Assistant Professor of the Electronic Technology Area at the UPV. Teaching experience since 1995 in the degrees of Industrial Engineering, Master Industrial Engineer, Engineering in Automation and Industrial Electronics, Energy Engineer, etc., related to Industrial Electronics, Electronic Systems, Computer-Assisted Electronic Circuit Design, Electronic Technology, Photovoltaic Energy and Power Electronics. In general, teaching in the field of Electronic Technology. He has directed more than 15 Final Degree Projects, Final Degree and Master's Projects. He has participated in 5 Teaching Publications. His lines of research are focused on Biomedical Engineering, and more specifically on biomedical instrumentation and the mathematical modelling of cardiac cells. His publications include 12 contributions: articles, books and book chapters and 25 conferences papers. He has participated as a researcher in 14 subsidized projects in public calls, and in 2 research contracts with companies and administrations. He has also collaborated in 11 agreements with companies, highlighting several projects related to Biomedical Engineering.

Yolanda Jiménez Jiménez

Telf: 96 387 70 00
Ext: 76034
Data sheet UPV
I received the degree of Telecommunications Engineer and the PhD from Universitat Politècnica de València in 1999 and 2004, respectively. Since I joined to the staff of UPV in 2000, I have achieved the following merits:

1) Results of R&D: My research has been focused on acoustic wave sensors, particularly in piezoelectric resonators, including their modelling, applications with biosensors, design of characterization systems and development of mathematical algorithms for the extraction of the physical parameters of the sensor, the latter being the theme of my doctoral thesis. In these topics, I have obtained more than 30 research publications, including 25 articles and 7 book chapters in an international editorial. I have collaborate in 10 research projects (5 of the national plan, 2 of the European Union, 1 of the AECI and 2 local). Currently, I am principal researcher in 2 projects of the Spanish government. I have made two stays in the Institute of Acoustics of the CSIC and in the INQUIMAE of the University of Buenos Aires.

2) Results of technology transfer: I have participated in 10 technology transfer projects directly related to my research tasks. I am co-author of 2 patents, both internationally extended and in operation by the Spin-off company UPV AWSensors, of which I am a founding partner.

3) Teaching activity: I have accumulated more than 15 years of teaching experience in which I have taught 11 different subjects within the area of Electronic Technology, and in different cycles including the Master's degree of the Telecommunications. I have supervised 2 doctoral Thesis, 2 Master Thesis projects and 9 final grade projects. I have published 3 books related with the topics of the subjects in which I have taught.

Marcos Latorre

Tel: 963877007
Ext: 67052
Ficha UPV
Aeronautical Engineer (2009) from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) with End-of-Degree awards by COIAE and ITP Aero. After working as a development engineer at ITP (2010), he began his research in computational (bio)mechanics of soft solids and biological tissues at UPM, receiving the doctorate extraordinary award (2015). From 2017 to 2021, he did a stay in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Yale University (New Haven, USA), focusing his research on the development of mathematical and computational models of growth and remodeling for cardiovascular tissue and tissue engineered vascular grafts.
Over these two periods, Marcos Latorre has participated in research projects of the National Plan (Spain), the NIH (USA), and the Department of Defense (USA); has published 40+ JCR articles, 1 review article, and 1 book chapter; has participated in 20+ international conferences; has directed 1 doctoral thesis; has reviewed articles for 25+ international journals; and has been part of review panels for national and international research projects. Since 2020 he is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Computers & Structures. For his contributions as a young researcher to the field of computational solid mechanics, he has received the awards K.J. Bathe 2018 by Elsevier and J.C. Simó 2021 by the Spanish Society of Computational Mechanics and Engineering (SEMNI).
In 2022 he joined the Center for Research and Innovation in Bioengineering (Ci2B) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) with an attraction-of-talent fellowship María Zambrano to develop coupled computational models of growth, electrical activity, and mechanical contraction of the heart. With an ERC 2021 Starting Grant (G-CYBERHEART), he will set up a new line of research at Ci2B (2022-2027) to advance in the 3D bioprinting of regenerative bioartificial ventricles by integrating advanced methods of numerical simulation and experiments.

José Luis Martínez de Juan

Telf: 963877007
Ext: 76063
Data sheet UPV
Doctor Industrial Engineer from the Technical University of Valencia since May 1998, defending a study of the myoelectric signal of the small intestine (electroenterogram EEnG) and opening a research line that was leading in Spain. He has also participated in other lines such as the characterization of Zeolites for the encapsulation of OLEDs, studies in neuroengineering as improvement of Parkinson's or anticipation in epilepsy, and studies of postural hygiene through the analysis of the surface myoelectric signal (sEMG). Results of these lines of research and similar ones were 14 articles in the magazine, 2 chapters in books and about 100 publications in congresses. He has participated in 17 competitive and public call research projects, several contracts with companies and currently participates in two patents. It has a positive evaluation of three research segments (sexenios).

In positions of university management, he is Director of the Department of Studies of the Technical University of Valencia since January 2008. In that year all the degrees of the University were adapted to the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and since then he has been the applicant for verification of about 35 degrees and more than 70 official master's degrees.

Gema Prats Boluda

Telf: 963877000
Ext: 67040
Data Sheet UPV
Industrial Engineer ETSII UPV 2001
Free practice of the profession: Department of R + D + I of the company Celsa electronic assemblies. 2001-2003.
Associate Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering 2003
She obtained the title of Doctor in Technology in 2009.
Contracted Professor Doctor, accredited by the ANECA for the title of University Holder.

Teaching in the Degree in Electronic Engineering, Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering.
Teaching publications in national and international congresses.
Participation in Educational Innovation projects.
Teaching in the areas of sensors and electronic instrumentation and in signal processing.
2 Doctoral Theses directed.

Her research is focused in the field of Biomedical Engineering, specifically in the development of non-invasive systems of ad-doc capture and instrumentation of bioelectric signals and their processing, as well as the development of prediction systems and aid in diagnosis and decision making.

IP of University, Autonomous and National projects
2 recognized six-year research profit.
1 Patent
25 papers JCR
+ of 50 contributions in prestigious international and national conferences reviewed by peers
7 research and transfer contracts with companies for the development of bioelectrical signal capture / monitoring systems.
Co-author of 2 chapters of research book in international editorials
reviewer of 5 international journals indexed SCI.

Maribel Rocha Gaso

Tel: 963877000 ext. 86072
UPV link
María Isabel Rocha Gaso was born in Mexico City, Mexico. She received her Computer Engineering degree (2006) from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). In 2013, the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain, and the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium, granted her the PhD degree in Electronic Engineering. Her PhD thesis was related to acoustic wave sensors for biosensing applications. In 2011, she completed a one-year research stay at the UCL, Belgium, where she worked in cleanroom facilities performing microfabrication processes. From November 2012 she worked two years for the company Advanced Wave Sensors (AWSensors), Spain. After that, she took a CNRS one-year postdoctoral position at the University of Lorraine, France, fully dedicated to a French-Canadian ANR research project entitled AWESOM (Acoustic Wave Emission-reception and SPR Optimized for Microfluidics. In August 2015, she worked at the Universidad de Quintana Roo, Cancun, Mexico, for two years as a Research Professor. From 2017 until 2022 she worked again in the company AWSensors. In 2021, she worked part-time in the Universitat de València as a Teacher Assistant for one year. She currently works at the UPV as full-time as a Research Assistant Professor. Her fields of expertise and current research interests include: sensors, FPGAs, microprocessor and microcontrollers, MEMS, biosensors, microfrabrication processes and piezoelectric acoustic wave transducers and applications.

Lucía Romero Pérez

Telf: +34 963877007
Ext: 76024/67038
Data sheet UPV
After completing my Industrial Engineering studies at the UPV in 2003 (number 4 out of 225 students), I got one of the 10 scholarships from the Cantera Program that the UPV awarded each year among its students with the best academic record, to carry out the Doctoral Thesis at the same university. In 2007 I defended the Doctoral Thesis, focused on the modeling and simulation of cardiac electrical activity in ischemia. Subsequently, I did five research stays at the universities of Oxford and California (Davis).

During this time, I have collaborated in various top-level research projects, such as the European preDiCT projects, led by the University of Oxford, and SimCardioTest, 1 project funded by the US NIH, the 6 consecutive national projects funded by the Ministry of Education. Economy and Competitiveness and the Ministry of Education and Science, a project of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (R&D action), the 6 regional projects and the 3 projects financed by the university to which I belong (UPV). I am or have been the main researcher of one of the national projects, one of the autonomous ones and another of the projects financed by the UPV. I am also the UPV principal investigator of the project funded by the US NIH. I have directed 2 Doctoral Theses and currently I co-direct 3.

My research experience is supported by 28 articles published in journals indexed in the JCR, 2 book chapters, 50 articles in international conferences and 18 articles in national conferences.

During my scientific career I have gained extensive experience in cardiac modeling and simulation. I am familiar with the cardiac action potential models of different species and with the modeling and simulation of different cardiac pathologies (long QT syndrome, short QT syndrome, ischemia, heart failure). I have performed multiscale simulations and have extensive experience in handling experimental results for modeling the effects of drugs and mutations in different ion channels and in the simulation and study of proarrhythmic risk biomarkers.

Francisco Javier Saiz Rodríguez

Telf: +34 963877000
Ext: 76025
Data sheet UPV
Industrial Engineer (1986) and PhD (1992) by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Full Professor (since 2000) in the Electronic Department of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV). Director of the Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Bioingeniería Ci2B from its foundation until 2021. His investigation in cardiac electric activity modeling and simulations starts with a postdoctoral position in Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA) in 1996. Since then, he has focused in the development of cardiac arrhythmias simulation models, as well as in different therapies commonly used in their treatment for example: using drugs or cardiac ablation. In these years, he has collaborated in more than 50 research projects, national and international, in which many companies have taken part. IBM, Smart Technologies, Osatu coop or Sorin, and Gilead, Glaxo, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Bayer or Sanofi are some examples. Emphasis should be made in his participation in two European projects: preDiCT (FP7) and eTOX (IMI). He has supervised 15 PhD thesis and many research projects. He is currently supervising 5 PhD thesis. He has 53 papers in international journals, more than 200 national and international conferences and 7 book chapters due to his research. He is the Biomedical Engineering Bachelor and Master´s Academic Director in the UPV and Vice-president of the Biomedical Engineering Spanish Society. In 2017 he has been elected Member of the Valencian Royal Academy of Medicine.

Beatriz Trénor Gomis

Telf: 963877007
Ext: 76086/67039
Data sheet UPV
I graduated as Industrial Engineer (Electronics) in 1997 at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). In 1998 I obtained a fellowship from the Education and Culture Spanish Ministery to do my PhD in modeling and simulation of the electrical cardiac activity in ischemia. I am a lecturer at the Electronic Engineering Department at the UPV since 1999. I finished my PhD in 2001, and went on participating in research projects, publishing papers in JCR journals and mentoring PhD Thesis.
It is worth mentioning the participation in 3 research projects funded by the European Union, one of which I am currently a principal investigator at the UPV (SimCardioTest). I lead the line of research in the simulation of heart failure, staying within the same research structure (Ci2b), and in which we share resources such as the necessary infrastructure for high-performance computing. I established contacts reinforcing my international projection and started my own collaborations that have marked this trajectory. The contact established with the pharmaceutical company Gilead (CA, USA) allowed me to establish a fruitful collaboration.
I have carried out two research stays in the US and one in Hungary, I have been an invited speaker in international settings, I have been part of the Thesis evaluation committee in Italy, Norway and several in Spain and I am a reviewer of 12 JCR indexed journals.
In short, I have participated in the publication of 40 scientific articles in journals, 4 book chapters, more than 100 articles in conferences, as a result of my collaboration in more than 25 top-level research projects (European, 1 project funded by the NIH of USA, several financed by the Spanish, regional and UPV Ministry), 2 agreements with companies and 2 research agreements with the University of Calgary. I have supervised 6 Doctoral Theses and I currently supervise 3 more. Since 2015 I have been the coordinator of the Doctorate program in Health and Well-being Technologies and since November 2021 I have been the director of Ci2B.

Yiyao Ye Lin

Telf: 963877007
Ext: 76026/67034
Data sheet UPV

Mrs. Yiyao Ye Lin received her degree in Industrial Engineering from University Polytechnic of Valencia (UPV) in 2004, master in project management in 2005 and her PhD from the same university in 2009. She made her postdoctoral stay at University Technologie de Compiegne in 2009. She currently works as professor for UPV and is member of Centre for Research and Innovation in Bioengineering (Ci2B) of the UPV. Her current interests include biomedical signal processing (electrocardiogram, electroenterogram, electrohysterogram and others), pattern analysis, monitoring systems developments for biomedical applications, wireless sensor network, biomedical instrumentation, Remote sensing.
Her research focused on development of system for non-invasive recording of smooth muscle myoelectrical activity: small bowel and uterus, and digital processing of these signals for development of diagnosis aid tools. She has actively participated in 5 national projects of science and innovation ministry and 9 research projects of regional level and other agencies related in the development of flexible concentric ring electrode for sensing bioelectrical signal; development of wireless recording system for acquiring of bioelectrical signals; as well as elctrohysterogram signal analysis for predicting the time horizon of birth preterm delivery. The result of this work has resulted in 16 publications in high impact journals, 2 book chapters, 2 national patents, more than 45 publications in international and/or national conferences, most of them are listed in Conference Proceedings Citation Index of Web of Science. She also received the ConfiHe 2010 Award from Antares Consulting, and the best paper Award INSTICC of BIODEVICES/BIOSTEC conference in 2013 and in 2017.